How it works

For individual house projects, the process is best suited to end of terrace, detached and semi detached properties.


  • Studio – 4m x 5m
  • One bedroom – 5m x 10m
  • Two bedroom – 8m x 10m
  • With or without outside space
  1. We conduct a free site survey and let you know the best options for you – size of apartment for your garden, financing and so on.
  2. Once you decide to go ahead, we apply for planning permission with a proposal based on our standard drawings.
  3. Once permission is granted and when we have capacity, we can start on site – building our shell, installing our robot and sinking it into the ground. The enclosure minimises any disturbance to you and your neighbours.
  4. In less than 6 to 16 weeks (dependent on ground conditions), you should have a watertight shell which either we or you can fit out.
  5. Following completion, the apartment can either be sold or rented. As the house owner, you would grant a lease to the under garden apartment of the space under your garden.