Sell the space UNDER your garden for £20,000 to £100,000+

OPTION #1 – FREE valuation & listing
No sale, no fee! List your space for sale without planning permission. The valuation is obligation free, but prior to listing, you would need to agree to grant a long lease for the space at an agreed price and that we can take a value dependant fee based on a % of the sale price. To get started, click HERE to go to our contact form or HERE to book a free valuation appointment.

OPTION #2 – maximise your price & profit by minimising buyer risk
Apartment buyers, property investors and developers will be much more inclined to purchase your under-garden space and do so at the higher price if you have planning permission in place. Using our standard ‘architect + planning’ packages starting from just £2,499+VAT including disbursements, we can apply for permission on your behalf. Your offering can be further enhanced with our options – a geotechnical survey, building regulation approval and other measures that help get mortgage finance in place. To get started, click HERE to go to our contact form or HERE to book a free valuation appointment.
NOTE: To maximise your achievable price and also the chances of success in getting planning permission for an under garden apartment or bunker, we recommend that you also include a 2 to 3 metres above ground section at the very back of your garden to enable the build of a sunken courtyard for the Under Garden Apartment or Bunker.